
Conroe Art League
127 Simonton St, Conroe,
Texas 77301


Tuesday thru Saturday:
11:00 am - 4:00 pm




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  • Workshops require online registration.
  • CAL members receive a discount on some workshops.  To take advantage of this discount, members must sign into the website before submitting their registration.
  • To become a member, click HERE.

  • To receive a refund, you must cancel your attendance in a workshop 3 weeks before the start of the workshop.
  • Submit your refund request in writing to caleducation@conroeartleague.com.

  • There is a 2 hour parking limit on Simonton Street.
  • Parking along the railroad tracks at Simonton and Pacific St has no time limit.

Upcoming events

    • February 14, 2025
    • February 16, 2025
    • 3 sessions
    • 127 Simonton Street, Conroe, TX
    • 0
    Join waitlist

    Suggested  Supply List:

    • Solvent container with locking lid (I recommend da Vinci or similar)
    • Cup or container for medium (if using a medium)
    • Oil Paint (any brand of good quality paint). Suggested colors:

    - Ultramarine Blue

    - Manganese Blue

    - Sap Green

    - Burnt Sienna

    - Burnt Umber

    - Alizarin Crimson

    - Cadmium Orange

    - Cadmium Red Light

    - Cadmium Yellow Medium

    - Yellow Ochre

    - Titanium White

    • Brushes

        I recommend hog bristle or good quality synthetic brushes for oil painting.  Bring a mixture of filberts, flats, and rounds in various sizes (4, 6, 8, 10) with one sable rigger (liner).  I use Robert Simmons Signet series (hog bristles) and Rosemary & Co. Ivory series (synthetic).  Don’t bring worn out brushes.

    • Panels

    - You will use 3 to 4 panels per day.  Your choice of panel sizes (6x8, 8x10, 9x12) - no larger than 9x12 for this workshop.  Please bring panels rather than stretched canvas and avoid panels with too “slick” a surface.

    - Optional: I tone my panels with a thin wash of Liquitex Red Oxide acrylic paint wiped on with a moist paper towel.

    • Medium (optional)

       Graham’s Walnut Alkyd Medium - a fast drying and non-toxic product; Gamblin Neo Megilp.

    • 3 to 5 OF YOUR OWN PHOTO REFERENCES YOU WOULD LIKE TO PAINT FROM (4x6 or 5x7 sizes suggested)
    • Solvent

         ODORLESS mineral spirits (Gamsol or Turpenoid).  Do not bring hardware store turpentine - it is not healthy for you or the people around you.

    • Paper towels and plastic grocery bags for used paper towels
    • Painting clothes (please wear clothing you don’t mind getting a little oil paint on)
    • Optional:

    - disposable gloves

    - wet panel carrier

    - bag lunch, bottled water

    Online Art Stores for Supplies and Equipment:

    - Cheap Joes www.cheapjoes.com

    - Dick Blick www.dickblick.com

    - Art Supply Warehouse www.artsupplywarehouse.com

    - Italian Art Store www.italianartstore.com/store/index/html

    - Jerry’s Artarama www.jerrysartarama.com

    - Triangle Coatings (Classic Artist Oils) www.tricoatstore.com

    - Artist and Craftsman Supply www.artistcraftsman.com

    - Judson’s Art Outfitters www.judsonart.com

    - RayMar Art www.raymarart.com

    - SourceTek www.canvaspanels.com

    - Guerrilla Painter www.guerrillapainter.com

    - Rosemary & Co. www.rosemaryandco.com

    • March 09, 2025
    • 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
    • 127 Simonton St, Conroe TX
    • 0
    Join waitlist


    Join us for this exciting workshop where you'll discover the vibrant, fluid world of alcohol inks.  Learn multiple techniques for applying this dynamic medium to your surface, and watch as bold, colorful designs emerge before your eyes.  Perfect for all skill levels to unleash their inner artist.  You'll create a stunning piece and gain the skills to experiment confidently.  You will also see how resin can enhance and protect your creations.  Get ready to have fun, make a (good) mess, and take home some truly unique art.

    Your $50 registration fee covers your instruction and all the materials you will need for the class.  Bring nothing but yourself.  You will leave with a completed work and enough supplies to make another piece at home.  

    Your instructor is Brenda McDougall, a native Texan and award-winning alcohol ink fine artist.  With her unique vision, she makes breathtaking works that capture depth, energy, and emotion.  

    • March 15, 2025
    • 9:00 AM
    • March 16, 2025
    • 4:00 PM
    • 127 Simonton St., Conroe TX
    • 13

     Learn the secrets of turning colored pencil into a fine art medium. You can use your pencils to create works as rich and nuanced as any oil painting.  Award-winning, world-renowned artist, Jesse Lane, guides you step by step, sharing his signature style for creating nuanced skin tones, dynamic lighting, and compelling composition. Don't miss this chance to study with one of the world's top colored pencil artists.  

    All skill levels welcome!

    Everyone works on the same portrait as Jesse gives detailed demos and works with students one-on-one.

    The workshop includes:

    • Large-Screen Demos: A video camera on Jesse’s drawing board is projected to a screen so students can easily follow along.
    • One-on-One Instruction: Jesse visits each participant, offering encouragement, answering questions, and explaining technique.
    • High-quality instructional materials, including a reference photo, a glossy tutorial booklet, and the image outlined on drawing paper.

    Since colored pencil is a very slow medium, students will not complete the portrait in this workshop. Students learn the skills to complete the portrait on their own with the detailed, step-by-step workbook.  Take your art to the next level in a friendly, relaxed atmosphere!

    Jesse's beautiful portraits and figurative pieces have appeared in numerous publications.  Among his many honors is the world's top award for colored pencil from the Colored Pencil Society of America.  Jesse grew up in The Woodlands and earned a degree in Visualization from Texas A&M.  He teaches workshops around the nation and online.  Jesse's work can be seen and purchased from the gallery that represents him: RJD Gallery in Romeo, MI.  He lives in The Woodlands with his wife, Kinsey, also a talented artist, and their two whippets.  

    Supply List (If you have questions, email Jesse at Jesse@JesseLaneArt.com)

    X-Acto Knife

    Pencil Sharpener


    Prismacolor Colorless Blender

    Prismacolor Premier Colored Pencils in the following colors:

     White  Pink  Green Ochre
     Cream  Burnt Ochre  Orange 
     Eggshell  Sienna Brown  Black Grape
     Beige  Deco Yellow  Black Cherry
     Seashell Pink  Orchid   Dark Purple 
     Beige Sienna  Clay Rose  Dark Brown
     Light Umber  Goldenrod  Tuscan Red
     Chocolate  Mineral Orange  Sepia
     Dark Umber  Terra Cotta  Sandbar Brown
     Black  Bronze   Chestnut
     Light Peach  Lime Peel  Violet
     Deco Peach  Nectar  Kelp Green
     Blush Pink  Mulberry   Pumpkin Orange
     Peach  Yellow Ochre  Cloud Blue
    Salmon Pink  10% Warm Grey  Peacock Blue
     Putty Beige  20% Warm Grey  True Blue
     Deco Pink  30% Warm Grey  Indigo Blue
     Jasmine  50% Warm Grey  Copenhagen Blue
     Ginger Root  70% Warm Grey  Light Aqua
     Canary Yellow  90% Warm Grey  Poppy Red
     Yellowed Orange  Imperial Violet  Crimson Red
     Peach Beige  Dahlia Purple  Henna

    • April 27, 2025
    • 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
    • 127 Simonton St., Conroe TX
    • 0
    Join waitlist


    This popular, one-day workshop with Ken Roy will focus on the introduction and demonstration of three practical, functional approaches to sketching the figure using personal graphic language, proportion, and landmarks of the body to establish within three to five minutes a line of action, gesture, the point of balance, and the integration of the major masses of the body.  This workshop is for all experience levels, ages 18 and over.  Please note: Anatomically correct illustrations of the human body will be referenced during the workshop.  The model will wear form-fitting clothing.


    From 10 a.m. to noon:

         Session I: Definitions, Methodology, Process, and Tools

    From noon to 1 p.m.: 


    From 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.:

         Session II: Stacking Boxes

         Session III: Circles, Ovals, Ovoids, and Eggs

         Session IV: Lots of Lutz, Conclusion, and Resources 

    $60 for CAL members; $100 for non-members

    (Registration fee covers the cost of the model.)

    Class size is limited to 8.  

    This workshop always fills quickly.

    Don't miss out!

    Supply list

    Paper: Newsprint, rough or smooth, 12" x 18" or 18" x 24". Pad of 50 sheets. Drawing boards and easels, both floor and table models, will be available if you choose to use them.

    Measuring tool: your drawing implement, a chopstick, or a knitting needle will work fine.

    Drawing implement: your preference of charcoal pencil (2B of 4B), Nitram Fine Art Charcoal or similar product (HB or B),  willow charcoal, pastel pencil or stick (hard), or Cretacolor lead holder, with either sanguine oil or Nero drawing leads. A marker is not a good choice because it will bleed through the paper, and this will make the reverse side unfit for drawing.  

    Optional: kneaded eraser or chamois; sand block or Nitram sanding paddle.

    • June 20, 2025
    • June 22, 2025
    • 3 sessions
    • 127 Simonton Street, Conroe, TX

    This BRAND NEW 3-day workshop is debuting at CAL!  It  will focus on painting from direct observation.  Each day, the class will explore a different subject.


    Day 1 - the still life 

    Day 2 - the figure from a live model

    Day 3 - the portrait sketch from a live model

    By emphasizing accuracy in drawing, values, edges, texture, and color, students will learn to paint alla prima (all at once), with dynamic brushwork and texture, achieving energetic and engaging paintings.  All skill levels are welcome, even if you've never painted from life before.  While Patrick will be demonstrating in oil paint, acrylics and pastels are also welcome.

    Class size is limited to 14,  so that each student can receive the maximum amount of interaction with the instructor.  Patrick's CAL workshops ALWAYS fill up, so register quickly.  Patrick will send a list of suggested supplies after you register.  

    Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, June 20-22

    9 a.m. to 4 p.m

    The Madeley Fine Art Gallery

    Cost: $525

    Click here to Register

    • June 27, 2025
    • June 29, 2025
    • 3 sessions
    • 127 Simonton Street, Conroe, TX

    SECOND SESSION NOW OPEN FOR REGISTRATION!The workshop filled quickly, so Patrick has agreed to hold a second one!

    This BRAND NEW 3-day workshop is debuting at CAL!  It  will focus on painting from direct observation.  Each day, the class will explore a different subject.


    Day 1 - the still life 

    Day 2 - the figure from a live model

    Day 3 - the portrait sketch from a live model

    By emphasizing accuracy in drawing, values, edges, texture, and color, students will learn to paint alla prima (all at once), with dynamic brushwork and texture, achieving energetic and engaging paintings.  All skill levels are welcome, even if you've never painted from life before.  While Patrick will be demonstrating in oil paint, acrylics and pastels are also welcome.

    Class size is limited to 14,  so that each student can receive the maximum amount of interaction with the instructor.  Patrick's CAL workshops ALWAYS fill up, so register quickly.  Patrick will send a list of suggested supplies after you register.

    Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, June 27-29

    9 a.m. to 4 p.m

    The Madeley Fine Art Gallery

    Cost: $525

    Click here to Register

    • September 20, 2025
    • September 21, 2025
    • 2 sessions
    • 14

    Join Argentinian artist Carolina Dalmas for an engaging and liberating artistic experience where you'll harness the power of spontaneity and intention to create compelling pastel artworks. This workshop offers both structured learning and creative freedom, ensuring a rewarding journey into the world of soft pastels.

    During this workshop, we will paint a still life "alla prima" (completing it in one session).  In this way, you will achieve freshness and joy. Instruction will cover composition and lighting of a still life, shapes, value, edges, color harmony, and movement.  

    Carolina creates art with a deep connection to nature.  She encourages her students to observe the world as if they are seeing it for the first time.  Acrylics and pastels are her favorite mediums. Recently, one of her pastel still lifes was awarded first place in the Pastel 100 Competition, hosted by Pastel Journal. 

    9:00 to 4:30 both days, with a 1-hour break for lunch

    The Madeley Fine Art Gallery

    127 Simonton St., Conroe, TX 77301

    *A Regular Adult Conroe Art League membership qualifies you for discounted member pricing, as well as the full privileges that membership offers.  Become a member today! 

Past events

January 12, 2025 Handmade Journal with Coptic Binding Workshop
November 10, 2024 Try It - Acrylic
November 01, 2024 Watercolor Confidence in Plein Air with Richie Vios
September 29, 2024 Try It - Watercolor
August 11, 2024 Introductory Approaches to Gesture Sketching: from initial gesture to a sketch of the figure in 3 to 5 minutes with Ken Roy
June 15, 2024 Painting with Gouache with E. Melinda Morrison
April 27, 2024 The Art of Paper Weaving with Cynthia Reid
April 21, 2024 Introduction To Oil Painting
March 15, 2024 Capturing Character - Painting Dynamic Animal Portraits
December 02, 2023 Learning How to Use CANVA with Brenda McDougall
November 10, 2023 Painting with Patrick Saunders
November 09, 2023 Paint Your Own Heart with Doni Langlois
September 30, 2023 Dynamic Portraits in Colored Pencil with Jesse Lane
September 15, 2023 Painting "Painterly" from A Photo Reference with Dan Graziano
July 22, 2023 Introductory Approaches to Gesture Sketching: from initial gesture to a sketch of the figure in 3 to 5 minutes
July 15, 2023 Intro to Oil Painting for Teens
June 09, 2023 Painting People and Places with E. Melinda Morrison
April 26, 2023 Introductory Approaches to Gesture Drawing of the Figure
January 21, 2023 Painting Flower Portraits with Texture with Carolina Dalmas
November 11, 2022 JUST ADDED SECOND SESSION of Painting Without Borders with Patrick Saunders!
November 04, 2022 Painting Without Borders with Patrick Saunders
October 29, 2022 Painting the Figure From Life With Susan Hotard
September 17, 2022 Paint with Alcohol Ink with Brenda McDougall
July 15, 2022 Painting the Portrait and Landscape in Watercolor with Stan Miller
June 09, 2022 TEEN (ART) BOOT CAMP
April 23, 2022 Painting Vibrant Fruit and Vegetables With Texture in Pastels
March 26, 2022 Quilling Paper With Wendy Moreland
January 29, 2022 Painting the Still Life With Susan Hotard
October 16, 2021 Fused Glass Workshop
September 18, 2021 Paper Weaving
August 26, 2021 Fused Glass Workshop
August 14, 2021 Magic Ink Ninja by Doug Hiser
April 17, 2021 Janet Little - Wrapped in a Pretty Face
December 04, 2020 Wildlife, Nature and Texture Workshop
November 13, 2020 Painting+Collage-Mixed Media with Liz Hill
September 18, 2020 Urban Sketching
March 05, 2020 Holly Hunter Berry's A Contemporary Landscape
February 14, 2020 Painting in Puddles with Alcohol Ink
January 17, 2020 Painting Beautiful Impressionist Pet Portraits II in Oil with Scott Mattlin

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